Monday, July 21, 2008

What is VoIP?

VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is a type of telephone that uses digital technology to transmit phone calls via the internet rather than regular cable line. The word Internet Protocol (IP) was originally designed for data networking. This VoIP phone with VoIP headset (optional) enables users to dodge traditional phone companies by having all calls thru the Web. There is once catch though, the user must be subscribed to a digital subscriber line or DSL internet service. There is no much difference between VoIP and the regular phone calls. Dialing, talking on the phone and receiving phone calls from a regular phone line is pretty much the same with VoIP.

How it Works?
A wired or cordless telephone would be required for using the VoIP services. Normally, VoIP service providers supply their customers with telephony adapters or TA's. The TA is plug into the customer's cable and encodes electronic data from the subscribers's phone into Internet protocol packets that transmit over the Net. Any ordinary, new or used home phone can be plugged into the TA and used for VoIp calls. In addition, with regards to convenience, VoIP Headsets are used as an accessory.

What it offers?
Nowadays, many people uses VoIP phone services because it is much cheaper than traditional landline service. The great part of using this VoIP is that it has the same features as what the traditional phone services offer. Local and domestic long distance calls, call waiting and voicemail for less than half the cost offered by traditional phone services. One edge of VoIp is that it offers cheap long distance rates. Moreover, calls within the same network are often free of charge.

A VoIP phone is also portable. You can bring it on the road, plugging it in at hotels or anywhere where a broadband connection is present. You simply plug your TA into an existing broadband connection and use VoIP phone to place and receive calls. This is considered to save money on expensive call forwarding charges.

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